Home Remedies for Dog Scooting

home remedies for dog scooting

Dog owners often wonder why their pet dogs start scooting their bottoms in front of everyone. This behavior is sometimes silly, but you must focus on your dog when they seem distressed. In this article, we will learn what is dog scooting, why your dog does that, and home remedies for dog scooting.

What Is Dog Scooting?

Dogs have large pair of anal glands inside their rectum. These two small anal sacs contain foul, fishy-smelling liquid that release during dogs poop. The liquid is a biomarker that leaves a sort of poop print for other dogs to smell.

The bowel movement of dogs triggers their anal sacs to empty. If their anal sacs don’t work properly, then the fluid can build up. When these sacs are full or not emptying properly, they can become painful, inflamed, and infected. According to the American Kennel Club, if the dog’s glands look enlarged and have bloody discharge, then that is the time to see your vet.

Causes Of Dog Scooting

Dog anal glands have fluid with a strong odor that dogs use for marking things with their scent. This issue is common in smaller breeds like Miniature Poodles, Chihuahuas, and Shih Tzus, but the larger breeds can also be affected. Scooting is a normal response to having an itchy rear end due to full anal glands. There are some other serious conditions, like 

  • Gland Abscess: an infection that becomes worse and causes swelling near the anus.
  • Perianal Fistula: Opening form in the skin around the anus.
  • Parasites such as Tapeworms
  • Generalized allergies

Signs and Symptoms of Dog Scooting

There are some signs and symptoms by which you can understand dog scooting. The suffering dog does not want to sit, cry out when pooping, or try to lick, bite and chew their rear end.

  • Swelling, redness around the anus.
  • Foul Odor or fluid around the rectum
  • A hot spot near their back end.

Home Remedies for Dog Scooting 

If your puppy is frequently scooting, you must consult your vet to diagnose before trying any treatment or home remedies. Here, we are sharing some home remedies that provide relief to your dog.

  1. Sanitary Clipping and Cleaning

The first step is to perform some sanitary clipping and cleaning procedures. Shave the fur around the hind end and under the tail, referred to as a sanitary clip. It will help to remove any matted fur that comes in contact with fecal matter that causes discomfort around your dog’s hind end. After shaving the fur, gently clean the area, which will provide better visualization. 

2. Apply a Warm Compress

Use a warm compress like a paper towel and cloth soaked in warm water that can be a soothing treatment for discomfort around the infected area. The warm compress increases blood flow, which reduces swelling. This soothing procedure is a gentle way to clean the area if you see any debris around the anus. A warm cloth is kept for 15 minutes to maximize the benefits and find the quiet time for the dog to settle for some pampering.

3. Omega 3 Fatty Acid Supplements

When dogs have anal gland problems because of skin allergies, dog owners should provide fatty acid supplements. Dogs with skin allergies have an increased risk for anal gland impactions because of inflammation and overproduction of certain oils which fill with thicker material. Therefore, omega-3 fatty acid supplements reduce inflammation and improve oily secretions. Therefore, Ecoispnetonic acid and Omega 3 are best for them at the highest dose.

4. Fiber Supplementation

Soft stool and diarrhea could be the contributing factors for anal gland problems. These glands empty when dogs defecate because the stool presses on the glands and causes them to release their content.

Fiber helps them to firm up the stool and prevent ongoing anal gland issues. The safe source of fiber for dogs is canned pumpkin, certain raw vegetables, and fiber supplements. However, you can consult your vet, who can make recommendations according to the dogs’ health conditions.

In a nutshell, in most cases, every dog owner should consult their vet as soon as they notice the signs of dog scooting. First, know the exact cause and then do treatment according to reason. You should immediately consult a vet if you see the dog in pain and showing signs like crying, licking, or biting around the hind end. However, if you notice minor signs, you can try the home remedies mentioned above to prevent dog scooting.


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